#40 Knalpot // Exchampion

Knalpot12corrected by Paul Bergen

Knalpot by Paul Bergen

lo-fi stum­bling groove alarm”, das die Selb­stauskun­ft über ihre Musik. Knalpot  —  deutsch-franzö­sis­ches Duo aus Ams­ter­dam  —  mis­chen Dub, Elec­tron­ics, harten Rock und coolen Jazz zu etwas zusam­men, das bere­its einige Fes­ti­vals in Europa aufgemis­cht hat: “Sounds like a motor­bike race between Radio­head, Clark and Square­push­er”, schrieb BIMHUIS. Über­haupt die Presse im Lande nebe­nan: ver­sucht begeis­tert, diese Art Musik zu fassen. “The two are trained as jazz musi­cians, but grew up with grunge and met­al”, schrieb OOR und kam zu dem Schluss: “The best kept secret of Amsterdam’s pop­mu­sic.” Und weit­er:

This duo makes a mix of jazz, elec­tron­ics and jazz that is much more excit­ing than many oth­er elec­tron­ic pop acts of today. But, and there lies the prob­lem, the stum­bling beats’ of Knalpot are dif­fi­cult to place. But pre­cise­ly that is the charm of Raphael Vano­li and Ger­ri Jäger, a Ger­man and Aus­tri­an that end­ed up in the dutch cap­i­tal. The two are trained as jazz musi­cians, but grew up with grunge and met­al.

On Sauce the two keep draw­ing the line that start­ed with Seri­ous Out­takes. Knalpot sounds some­where between Bat­tles (remem­ber them?), Par­ti­sans and the old Scorn. That means no easy lis­ten­ing. Rhythms (asyn­chro­nous, polyrhyth­mic), sear­ing gui­tars and sam­ples tum­ble over each oth­er. It takes a while to dis­cov­er struc­ture in this chaos, but that’s worth the effort. Sauce sounds like a short impro­vi­sa­tion in dub­step, open­er Stain­lees rubs close against math­core. The clos­ing track AV III tops it of: threat­en­ing, fright­en­ing and intense­ly black. It has some­thing from dub­step, but real­ly isn’t that. Knalpot is even bet­ter live than on record. And that real­ly means some­thing.

Kurz und knapp das UTRECHTS DAGBLAD:

The future of Dutch music


Prob­a­bly the best rock duo that sur­faced in The Nether­lands in 2009. Gui­tar, elec­tron­ics, drums and an immense dose of ener­gy

Weit­er? EUFORION:

Their ’nu-gen­er­a­tor trac­tor music’ full of lo-fi grooves and unex­pect­ed com­bi­na­tions turned the crowd crazy. Def­i­nite­ly one of the most mem­o­rable nights at Club behind Mir­ror.

The most excep­tion­al band of the fes­ti­val sure­ly was Knalpot, con­sist­ing of two exper­i­menters of son­ic worlds: Raphael Vano­li and Ger­ri Jäger … It is real­ly thrilling and pleas­ing to see such coura­geous pio­neers exist.


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